Posted by James Applegate on

Excitotoxin Facts:
- Excitotoxins are added to food to make it addictive.
- Excitotoxins are the FDA-aproved way to ruin your brain (they kill brain cells).Read more
- Your body wraps them in fat to protect you
- Many dyes are excitotoxins (red#5 for sure)
- It isn’t usually the sugar that makes kids hyper or cranky, but the excitotoxins
- MSG is an excitotoxin that is used to fatten lab rats for tests
The following are the most common names for disguising MSG and other Excitotoxins.
Food Additives that ALWAYS contain Excitotoxins
Monosodium Glutamate, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (Bragg Liquid Aminos), Hydrolyzed Protein, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein, Plant Protein Extract, Sodium Caseinate, Calcium Caseinate, Yeast Extract, Textured Protein (Including TVP), Autolyzed Yeast, Hydrolyzed Oat Flour, Corn Oil.
Food Additives That FREQUENTLY Contain Excitotoxins
Malt Extract, Malt Flavoring, Bouillon, Broth, Stock, Flavoring, Natural Flavors/Flavoring, Natural Beef Or Chicken Flavoring, Seasoning, Spices.
Food Additives That MAY Contain Excitotoxins
Carrageenan, Enzymes, Soy Protein Concentrate, Soy Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate.
Food Additives to also avoid
Caffeine, Protease Enzymes, Aspartame, Aspartate, L-Cystine, Colors and Dyes even FDA approved.
What people are saying about excitotoxins:
“Since learning about excitotoxins from Dr. James I have eliminated them from our diet as much as I can and my son is a completely different kid. He had been classified ADD and was unbearable most of the time. He would have fits of rage that would appear to come from nowhere and seem to be out of control even to himself. Now he is happy and fun to be around and he understands that excitotoxins turn him into the HULK (anger) so he chooses to avoid them. Thank you Dr. James” M.A.
“We try to eat good but when the holidays come around it gets harder especially for the kids. We have found that when we have had to many dyes and additives we take a few of Dr. James' Detoxalation and it clears them out of our systems.” J.A.
Use Detoxalation to flush excitotoxins out of your system