Rock Cookies (Blooper)
Posted by James Applegate on

Submitted by: Aubre
My sister is usually the baker in my family; so one time she was away but I really wanted cookies. I found the cookbook she usually used and started to make chocolate chip cookies. I read the ingredient list and pulled out everything I needed. I however didn’t read the instructions. I began throwing everything into the bowl. I didn’t realize that you are supposed to separate the wet ingredients from the dry and then mix them together. The mix was runnier than I remembered it being when she makes them. I decided that to get the consistency more to my liking I would add more flour. Big Mistake! The batter looked right to me so I popped them in the oven set the timer and couldn’t wait to try the chocolatey goodness. When the timer dinged I opened the oven anxiously anticipating ooey-gooey cookies. What I found was bricks with chocolate chips melted on top. The extra flour had made the cookies super hard like jaw breakers.