A Carrot a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!
Posted by Lynn Applegate on

We all know that carrots are good for us but do you know how good?
Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, fiber, vitamins A, C & K, potassium and antioxidants.
When you eat a carrot a day you get all the nutrients and it acts like a daily cleanse, pulling toxins out of your body as it moves through your digestive track. I have noticed a huge difference in my health when I eat a carrot a day in some way shape or form.
Some of the health benefits of eating carrots are:
- Improves digestion
- Improves skin
- Improves kidney function
- Reduces risk of stroke
- Reduces excess estrogen
- Reduces risk of heart attack
- Improves liver function
- Strengthens teeth
- Great for eye health
- Anti cancer
- Balances hormones
3 Ways
to Eat Your Carrot Every Day
1. Eat a Carrot
The act of chewing a carrot activates enzymes in your mouth & strengthens your teeth. If you don't want to chew on a carrot, grate it and add it to your salad.
2. Carrot smoothie
This is how my family prefers carrots. I simply add carrots to their smoothies. If your blender doesn't make it smooth, add carrot juice instead. For my kids, no more than 20% veggies in the smoothies works well.
We even make our smoothies into popsicles for on the go snacks!
3. Carrot Juice
Power packed with nutrients, fresh juiced carrots are a powerhouse of energy. I actually like to dilute mine 1/2 & 1/2 with water or rejuvilac. This makes for a slow steady cleanse.
Some people like to juice an apple or two with their carrots to add a little more flavor.