I know of 6 precious facets of health that are not being taught today. These precious health secrets have been kept from mans general learning.
- What I should eat to be healthy.
- Food is not the enemy food products are.
- Avoid, colors, preservatives and excitotoxins.
- Good fats and oils are essential.
- Exercise should be for the entire body and not single muscle groups.
- Our body's pH is of paramount importance.
"As a young man I was inspired by Bruno Grizelli. He and I would talk about how important it was to eat right, exercise, and take good care of our bodies. I knew him as a man that lived what he preached. I was taken aback when he died suddenly of a heart attack at a rather young age. I felt that he had died from an illness reserved only for those who have abused themselves.
I have spent 3 decades searching for why he died of a heart attack. I know if Bruno was aware of these 6 facets of health he would not have died of a heart attack".