Household Tips Moms Can Use to Keep the Kid’s Allergies Under Control
Posted by Jim Applegate on

Do you have a little one who suffers from allergies? Though the symptoms aren’t often severe, they can be miserable for anyone to deal with. The sneezing, itchy throat, runny nose, and lack of energy is enough to leave your once energetic child sitting on the sidelines. As a mother, you’d do anything to see them back on their feet and enjoying life as a kid should. While medication can sometimes be the only way to control allergy flare-ups, there are things you can do at home to minimize them as well.
1. Know Their Triggers
The key to minimizing allergic reactions is to first find out what causes them in the first place. You’ll likely need to consult your child’s pediatrician to pinpoint the exact problem. Some common triggers include pollen, pet dander, food, mold, chemicals (particularly perfumes), dust, grass, and climate changes.
2. Switch Soaps
If your child happens to be allergic to chemicals found in laundry detergent, bubble bath, and shampoos, you’ll need to find alternatives. Since it is typically the perfume and chemical compounds that cause the allergic reaction, it may be best to use products containing only natural ingredients. For instance, buying a natural laundry soap that doesn’t contain harsh chemicals like bleach, sulfate, fragrances, and dyes can reduce the number of outbreaks your child has.
3. Keep the Pets Groomed
If your child is allergic to pet dander, it doesn’t mean you have to get rid of your furry friends, it simply means you must keep up with the grooming. Make sure that your dog and/or cat have been properly cleaned and groomed at least once a week to minimize the amount of dander that is released into the air and present on the furniture.
4. Dust Regularly
Dust is a common trigger in children with allergies. Therefore, if you want to keep your little one from getting a stuffy nose, you’ll want to make sure that you’re dusting at least once a week if not more. Be sure that they’re not present when you dust as the particles released into the air can make for a miserable day.
5. Treat Mold Right Away
Mold and mildew are more triggers that can be found in the home. Though preventative measures are ideal, if you notice mold or mildew in the home it is important to remove and treat the area immediately. Small amounts of mold can be removed on your own by spraying the affected area with bleach. However, if there is a lot of mold in the house, you’ll need a mold remediation expert to safely do the job.
6. Have the Heating/Cooling System Serviced
Although the home may appear clean and free from allergy triggers, your heating and cooling system could be a huge culprit. When the air vents aren’t regularly cleaned, the air blown out into the home is filled with debris and dust particles. Have your heating and cooling system serviced at least twice a year. An HVAC specialist will clean the vents and change the filters to ensure the air running through your home is clean.
7. Go Organic
If food is a common trigger for your little one, the first thing you want to do is find out which foods they’re allergic to. While you’ll need to remove whichever food item or ingredient they’re allergic to from the home, you can do them a favor by introducing organic food choices to them. Organic foods are less processed and contain few if any harmful ingredients which can help to boost your child’s immune system thus minimizing allergic reactions.
The key to helping your child who's suffering from allergies is to know what things make their allergies worse. Once you know the triggers that can be found in the household, you can then take the necessary steps to eliminate them or minimize the impact it will have on your child. In doing this, your child will not only feel better, but you’ll see a significant difference in the health of your entire family.
Written by Natalie Bracco for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to