6 Easy Ways Working Moms Can Avoid Crippling Stress
Posted by Jim Applegate on

Some moms feel compelled to work even if they don’t need to. If you’re not desperate for money your career might still be an important part of your life. You need to keep one thing in mind at all times. You’re a human being like the rest of us.
Once you have too many things on your plate life can get tough. You’ll end up struggling from crippling stress. It’s possible to fight through the pain, or you can avoid it in the first place. Here are a few ways you’ll be able to deal with it.
Looking After Your Elderly Parents
There is a good chance you’ll be trying to look after your elderly parents. Trying to juggle them with a job and kids isn’t for the faint-hearted. It won’t leave you with any time for yourself. Fortunately, you need to remember you’re not alone. Look into home care packages straight away. You might be entitled to a little help from professionals capable of caring for your aging parents.
Start Waking up Before Your Children
You should wake up before your children every day unless you’re on holiday. Don’t start the day by letting them run into your bedroom and jump on top of you. Everyone needs a few minutes to themselves to relax before a busy day. You should look into meditating in the morning. Even if you only meditate for 10 minutes before your kids wake up, you’ll eventually begin to experience wonderful benefits.
Keep Your Mental Energy Topped Up
There is a reason why some successful CEOs wear the same clothes to work every day. When you’re deciding what to wear it will use up a chunk of mental energy. If you never change your clothes you’ll have extra energy in reserve. Moms can use the same technique when it comes to cooking meals. If you have a set menu every week you’ll always know what to cook and what groceries to buy.
You Should Avoid Reading Newspapers
Your kids are going to get sick and you’ll be worried until they feel better. Will your head end up spinning if someone else gets promoted before you at work? We all have to deal with bad news on a regular basis. You don’t want to make yourself feel even worse by reading newspapers. Bad news always sells, so companies will take advantage of it. I guarantee you’ll still know all the important things going on in the world.
It’s Crucial to Socialize with Friends
There will be times when it feels like you don’t have any free time. You’ll be busy from the moment you wake up until you crawl into bed at night. You’ll still need to find time to socialize with your friends. Organize a night out with people you’ve known for years. Chat with other moms while the kids play together. Once you stop socializing it will have a negative impact on your mental health.
Exercise Can Help Immensely
When you exercise it will stress your body, but it will free your mind. You’ll feel like a million bucks once you’re done. Not only will it make you feel less stressed, but it can stop it from appearing in the first place. Don’t say you’re too busy because it’s not a good excuse. There is always something you’ll be able to do even if it’s for 20 minutes per day in your living room.
Don’t Let Your Stress Spiral out of Control
It’s not just your life you need to worry about. Stress will hurt the lives of your loved ones too. Luckily, it’s easy to keep it under control going forwards. Follow all the tips we’ve talked about starting from now.
Written by Natalie Bracco for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.